Embark on a Musical Journey Through the Decades Experience an eclectic and high-energy show as you journey through the decades with Million Dollar Dreamers. With a playful swagger, this ensemble transforms modern hits into vintage swing, ragtime, and jazz renditions, adding a touch of nostalgia and sophistication to contemporary favorites.
Step into the past with this captivating production that transports audiences to the glamorous days of the roaring twenties. Million Dollar Dreamers infuse pop songs with a jazz-inspired edge, reviving the spirit of the era and infusing any evening with glitz and glamour.
Inspired by Scott Bradlee of Post Modern Jukebox, the arrangements by Million Dollar Dreamers breathe new life into popular songs, transforming them into swing, jazz, and cabaret classics with a unique twist. Choose between a 6-piece and an 8-piece band, accompanied by dancers for a full show production.
Whether it’s your next event or a sophisticated themed party, Million Dollar Dreamers adds elegance and excitement to any occasion. With the flexibility to configure from 6 to 8 musicians and include additional dancers, you can create a tailored full production show that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.gallery